BHCA General Meeting With the Community MEET THE CANDIDATES NIGHT Tuesday, October 24th @ 8:00 PM
Bayside Hills Civic Association
General Meeting With the Community
Tuesday, October 24th @ 8:00 PM.
Dear Community,
Our next BHCA general meeting, our annual “Meet the Candidates Night” will be Tuesday, October 24th at 8:00, at the Colonial Church of Bayside. The entrance is on Bell Boulevard, where Luke Place and 216th Street converge.
Please send questions you have for our candidates to Kindly spread the word and join us.
Thank you—————Michael Feiner, President Invited Candidates:

Queens District Attorney and former Queens
BP Attorney Melinda Katz

Former Judge and NYPD Deputy Commissioner George Grasso

District 23 City Council Member Linda Lee:

Community Activist Bernard Chow:
Police Report: 111th Precinct Community Affairs Officer, Michael Cillis