The slate for the BHCA Officers and Board of Directors to be voted on at the November 29th
Dear Community: The following is the slate for the BHCA Officers and Board of Directors to be voted on at the November 29th General Meeting via Zoom. The link will be featured in the online Beacon, Facebook, and our Website. The term will commence January 1, 2023. As this is an uncontested election, we will cast one vote to elect the entire slate.
Best regards, Eileen Feiner, BHCA Election Chair
Officers :
Michael Feiner, President
Sebastian D’Agostino, Vice President
Jack Niedermeyer, Secretary
Rich Kashdan, Co-Treasurer
Tom Louizou, Co-Treasurer
Board of Directors:.
Robert Aufenanger. TC Chan
Sebastian D’Agostino. Eileen Feiner
Michael Feiner
Rich Kashdan
Ronald Keil
William Liao
Tom Louizou Joe Lubomski
Eileen Miller
Jack Niedermeyer
Nicholas Paolucci
Ronald Tabano