BHCA General Meeting With Community 8:00PM 11/28
Dear Community,
Reminding everybody about next BHCA general meeting Tuesday, November 28th 8:00 at the Colonial Church of Bayside, Bell Blvd., where Luke Place and 216th Street converge. Please remember on that evening our elections chair, Eileen Feiner will be introducing the slate of candidates for your vote. They are running for the BHCA Board of Directors and Officers beginning January of 2018.
Our first guest that evening will be Gregg Sullivan, founder, chairman, and CEO of Bayside Live TV a grass roots, down home repository for video chronicles about Bayside News, People, Events, Music, Sports, Arts, Businesses, Pets, etc. Over the years, Bayside Live TV have covered BHCA General Meetings, previous 9/11 Observances and Holiday Lighting Festivals.
Our other guest will be Christine Silletti, Executive Director of The Bayside Village BID, which supports the dozens of businesses along the bustling Bell Boulevard corridor between Northern Boulevard and 35th Avenue, as well as 41st Avenue from 213th Street to 214th Place. The group works to promote local business through marketing efforts, community events and support services, including helping owners navigate through the often confusing world of city permitting and regulations.
Of course as usual we have invited representatives from our 111th Precinct with their regular police report. Remember too that we’ll have our regular food drive, 50/50 raffle, and wonderful refreshments
----------Michael Feiner, President
Bayside Hills Civic Association